Catawba Riverkeeper
Catawba Riverkeeper preserves, protects, and restores the waters of the Catawba-Wateree River basin for all through education, advocacy, and engagement.
founded in 1997
The Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation was founded in 1997 by the Lakes Norman and Wylie Marine Commissions as a result of a task force recommendation from the Centralina Council of Governments 1995 study on the Catawba River corridor.
We hired our first Riverkeeper, Donna Lisenby, in 1998 with a license from Waterkeeper Alliance. Catawba Riverkeeper has been the leader in direct protection of the Catawba-Wateree River through education, advocacy & on-the-ground monitoring and reporting ever since. In 2021, Catawba fulfilled the vision of its founders by moving our headquarters on-the-water and opening satellite offices in the Northern and Southern Basins.
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Our vision is a river that can sustain plentiful, clean water for generations to come.
How we work towards that vision
Our all-volunteer board of directors strives to reflect the vast geographic, professional, racial, and socio-economic diversity of the 26 counties in North and South Carolina where our rivers flow. Our paid staff are some of the best scientists, policy experts, community organizers, educators, paddlers, and fundraisers in the region. Together, we work across the Catawba-Wateree River Basin to Preserve, Protect and Restore our communities’ water quality.
Reflecting our Communities
Catawba Riverkeeper recognizes that equity and access are central to the sustainability of the Catawba-Wateree River Basin. We are committed to reflecting the community’s diversity by providing equitable outcomes in our programs, culture, and services. We continually offer experiences of belonging for members of our communities, including but not limited to a person’s race, sex, LGBTQ+, disability, veteran status, or socioeconomic status. Catawba Riverkeeper strives for a community where everyone works in partnership to preserve and protect the waters of the Catawba-Wateree River Basin.
Contact Us
Catawba Riverkeeper’s headquarters are located at 102 Main Street, Suite 100, McAdenville, NC. While transitioning from The Boathouse to the new offices in downtown McAdenville, we continue to receive mail at our PO Box 11838 Charlotte, NC 28220, as well as 102 Main Street, Suite 100, McAdenville, NC 28101.
You can reach us at 704-679-9494. Listen to the automated message for a staff directory and instructions on how to report a concern.
General email inquiries may be sent to
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Contact Information
102 Main Street, Suite 100, McAdenville, NC 28101
EIN#: 56-2034780
All Rights Reserved | Catawba Riverkeeper