Catawba Riverkeeper
Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation
Stormwater runoff from land use changes is the single largest source of pollution into the river.
When it rains, the rain carries litter, oil, fertilizers, bacteria, and sediment (dirt) into our storm drains and creeks. These pollutants impact the health of our streams and coves.
Catawba Riverkeeper advocates for counties and municipalities to strengthen their stormwater protections. Additionally, Catawba Riverkeeper operates projects/programs to combat specific stormwater issues on the South Fork River and streams in the Northern Basin impacted by poor poultry operation waste storage practices.
Learn more about projects/programs to combat stormwater pollution:
The South Fork Collective is developing a comprehensive plan to protect and restore the largest tributary of the Catawba in partnership with local municipalities, other non-profits, and for profit users of the river.
Industrial poultry operations are the primary type of CAFOs in the Catawba River Basin, with the majority located in the Northern Basin (Alexander and Caldwell Counties, especially).
The poultry industry in North Carolina has little regulation, which leads to unchecked amounts of nutrients and bacteria from these facilities polluting our state’s waterways.
The Catawba Riverkeeper team conducts regular sampling of creeks downstream of poultry operations to monitor their potential impacts on water quality.
See our Advocacy Guide to learn how you can speak up for clean water.
Support Our Foundation
The Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation is working towards clean, plentiful water now and for generations to come.
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Contact Information
102 Main Street, Suite 100, McAdenville, NC 28101
EIN#: 56-2034780
All Rights Reserved | Catawba Riverkeeper