Board Member Recruitment

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About Board Service

Catawba Riverkeeper is powered by our more than 8,000 members across the 26 counties where the Catawba flows in North and South Carolina. Our Board of Directors serve as the representatives of those member as well as the nearly 3 million residents of the basin. As such, we strive to have a board representative of the geographic, socio-economic, racial, and professional background of those residents so that their voices are heard and reflected in the priorities and programs of our organization. You may view the current members of our Board of Directors HERE.

Members of the Board of Directors have 4-6 regular meetings annually and are also asked to join ‘ad hoc’ committees around issues, events, and projects as needed. While we have no monetary giving requirements, we do require board members to be members of Catawba Riverkeeper, which can be achieved through financial support or volunteer time.  Board terms are 3 years in length and board members may serve up to two consecutive terms. It is our hope that board members of Catawba Riverkeeper will view our organization and the work we do as one of their top priorities outside of their family and work life; giving them a level of investment and commitment needed to support the work of our 20 professional staff who work across 3 offices and multiple field locations within the river basin.

The application process and timeline for evaluating and selecting new board of directors is outlined below. Completing this application does not oblige you to accept a nomination, but will allow you to be evaluated alongside other applicants to fill the open spots on the board beginning in early 2025. If you need more information regarding the roles and responsibilities of a board member at Catawba Riverkeeper, you may email Executive Director John Searby at to arrange a time for a phone call or virtual chat. 

Fall 2024 Application Process

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